I am a group leader in the Department of Data Science of the Hertie AI institute at Tübingen University, Germany, working on machine learning and data science for biological applications.
I am interested in self-supervised and unsupervised learning, in particular contrastive learning, manifold learning, and dimensionality reduction for 2D visualization of scientific datasets. I am working with image data, text data, graph data, and single-cell RNA-seq data in neuroscience contexts.
I am also interested in statistical forensics and have been involved in the analysis of Russian electoral falsifications, war fatalities, and Covid-19 excess mortality.
I am a Privatdozent at the Faculty of Computer Science. In 2023/24 winter semester I was a Vertretungsprofessor (visiting professor) at Heidelberg University, Germany. I am a member of the ELLIS society, a member of the Cluster of Excellence «Machine Learning for Science», and an IMPRS-IS associated scientist.
For several years I have been teaching an introductory course on machine learning for MSc students in neuroscience and data science in Tübingen. In winter semester 2020/21, due to the Covid pandemic, the class was held online and the lectures were recorded in a studio.
Winter semester 2023/24 (Heidelberg): BSc course Einführung ins Machinelle Lernen (in German), MSc seminar Transformers, large language models, and their use in physics.
This is a list of [co-]first-/last-author papers grouped by topic; see my Google Scholar page for the complete list ordered chronologically or by citation count. Most papers are open access; for the ones that are not I provide PDFs. Twitter icons link to the respective Twitter threads (tweeprints).
In 2013–2016 I was a postdoc in the Machens lab at Champalimaud Institute in Lisbon, working on statistical analysis of electrophyisological population recordings from the cortex.
In 2007–2012 I did my PhD in the Mehring lab, initially at Freiburg University and later at Imperial College London, working on computational motor control.
In 2000–2007 I studied computer science (BSc) in St. Petersburg ITMO University and then theoretical physics (MSc) in St. Petersburg State University.
Before that, I attended St. Petersburg Classical Gymnasium #610. I was part-time teaching there computer science and physics in 2002–2006 while studying in university. In 2004, together with a friend, I made a website 610.ru that is still online (with minor changes).
Year Reviews ------------- 2019 1 2020 15 2021 20 2022 22 2023 28 2024 22
Venue Reviews (>1) ------------------------------- NeurIPS 25 ICLR 13 ECML 12 ICML 12 TMLR 9 Bioinformatics 5 Genome Biology 4 AISTATS 3 JMLR 3 Nature Comm. 2 Nature Methods 2 PLoS Comp Bio 2 Political Analysis 2
Review lengths in kB -------------------- 0 | 1 | ................. 2 | ............... 3 | ........................... 4 | ................... 5 | ........... 6 | ............ 7 | ... 8 | .. 9 | .
Last updated: Dec 12, 2024